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Be Happier

I found this article very interesting and i would like to share this to all of you readers out there. People said, Sharing is caring.  :)

Practice Random Acts of Kindness

When you're kind to others, you become happier. It doesn't take much to be nice, and even giving a sweet smile to a stranger as you pass by or holding the door open for the next person can brighten someone's day.

Committing these simple acts of kindness sets in motion a positive domino effect, as you've improved another's life in a small but not insignificant way, and that person is now more likely to reach out and do the same.

By acting selflessly and paying kindness forward, you'll engage in positive social contact, feel less isolated, and might even feel a rush of those feel good chemicals, endorphins, known as a "helper's high"

Here are some ideas to get you started :

  • Pay for the coffee, toll, or other small purchase of the person in line behind you.
  • Allow someone with only a few groceries to go in front of you.
  • Share your umbrella with someone who is without one.
  • Help an older person up the stairs / crossing road.
  • Tip well
  • Send a friend an unexpected card to show you're thinking of her or him.

Article quoted from : Best You Ever: 365 Ways to be Richer, Happier, Thinner, Smarter, Younger, Sexier, and More Relaxed - Each and Every Day


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